If you live in Torhout (Belgium) and you want something extra when buying Pocket Revolution, check Topdisc. They will give you a free poster.
There's an interview with Tom in De Nieuwe Revu. Has anyone read it? On De Nieuwe Revu-website there's an anecdote from the interviewer. Apparently the guy got a ride on Tom's auto-cycle and they were stopped by the police.
BTW : did anyone know Tom was a Camino-driver?Afspreken met Barman is een vak apart
Presentator/schrijver Wilfried de Jong reisde voor Revu naar Antwerpen, om daar Tom Barman te interviewen, zanger van de Belgische band dEUS. Binnenkort verschijnt het nieuwe album van dEUS, Pocket Revolution. Afspreken met Barman is een vak apart - Wilfried mailde ons de volgende anekdote:"Tom! Tom? O, je zit nog in de repetitieruimte. Nou, ik zit in Jozef. Jij zegt Zjozèf. Precies, die zaak vlakbij het Centraal Station met die Poolse uitziende oberdame en die foto van Dewinter aan de muur, met diezelfde dame. Wat? Heeft Dewinter alle platen van dEUS. Dewinter een dEUS-fan. Het moet niet gekker worden. Nou, ik zie je zo..."En daar is Tom, althans, ik zie een mager mannetje van een hoestende Mobylette afspringen met een doffe,zwarte helm. Verdomd, Barman I presume? Even later scheuren we door de stad. Ik duw als een geile blonde zonder helm mijn borst tegen het T-shirt van Tom en ja hoor, hij gaat nog harder. Daar is de politie. Of beter: flikken. We troeven ze af met superbe one-liners en komen onder de boete uit. En toen moest de nacht nog beginnen.
If you're eager to see an exclusive dEUS-concert you better enter this contest on 3voor12. If you subscribe the 3voor12-newsletter you can win a ticket for the dEUS-session on 3voor12 TV on September 11th.
(thx to Paulus)
I was doing my weekly round-up of dEUS on Google and I bumped into Edel.at, a site with info about the promo for the album that was or is done in Germany and Austria. We can expect something on Viva/MTV Deutschland and Go Tv (Austria).
Visions Magazine will have four pages about dEUS in October. There will be features and reviews in Musikexpress, Intro, Tip, Access, Slam, Uncle Sallys, Spex, Rolling Stone ....
And it looks like they also know how the album scores in the different magazines. Rather good if you ask me.
Spex (09), INTRO (08), Musikexpress (10), RollingStone (10), Visions (10)
Visions Magazine is giving away two tickets for each show in Germany. The September-issue will also include an item on dEUS. This site also mentions a demo-version of Wheels on the anniversary-compilation but it seems it isn't there.
Found an Italian review of Pocket Revolution. I have no clue what they're saying, but since the album gets 8,5/10 I bet it's rather good.
7 days, 7 weeks is now on the 9th position in De Afrekening. Keep on voting!.
It looks like we have some support acts for Germany. The Frames will be the support act for the November 23rd concert in Hamburg. Sons And Daughters will feature as a support act in Cologne. And there are rumours that Amusement Parks On Fire will be supporting on various dates:
- 10-11 Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, Cologne
- 14-11 Backstage, Munich
- 16-11 Orpheum, Graz,
- 17-11 Rockhouse, Salzburg
- 18-11 Arena, Vienna
- 19-11 Star Club, Dresden,
- 21-11 Postbahnhof, Berlin
- 23-11 Grosse Freiheit 36, Hamburg
- 24-11 Substage, Karlsruhe
V2 Deutschland confirms the supporting slot in Germany. Other dates are until further notice only rumours.
The september-issue of Deng will have a large interview with Tom. It will also feature a track by track analysis by Tom and a review by Peter Vermeersch (the producer of Worst Case Scenario. I don't have it yet, will check a bookstore tomorrow morning.
Bonus: if you subscribe to Deng you get Pocket Revolution for free.
Tom Barman will be the first guest of Brussel Midi, a brand new show on Flemish radiostation Studio Brussel. You can hear Tom next monday (September 5th) from 12.00 till 13.00 hours.
(thx to Hans)
At least there's some info on the secret gig I told about earlier. dEUS will play another date in Patronaat, Haarlem on September 7th for a very selected crowd. Tickets will not be available to the public. Your only chance to get in is entering this contest on dEUS.be. 5 lucky winners will get a ticket.
A German radio-dj is selling his promo-copy of Pocket Revolution on eBay. I guess he hasn't read this blog and the story about the English journalist who tried the same a couple of weeks ago.
Other items on eBay:
- Instant Street - 7"
- Little Arithmetics - 7"
- My Sister=My Clock - cd
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- The Ideal Crash - cd
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd (and here's another one)
- Teachers Soundtrack (with dEUS, Doves and Moloko)
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single (and here and here)
- Little Arithmetics - promo-single (and here's another one)
- Via - 7"
- Roses - 7"
- Suds And Soda - cd-single
- Instant Street - cd-single
- Little Arithmetics - 7"
- Instant Street - cd-single (2track)
- Hotellounge - cd-single
- Instant Street - promo-single
- Theme from Turnpike - 10"
- Saturday Night Special - 7"
- Tickets for the album launch event in London
Nice action from Boudisque.nl. If you buy Pocket Revolution you get a free copy of 7 days, 7 weeks (the 3-track version).
(thx to dakjuh)
There's a new special on the Studio Brussel-website. It's a round-up of the dEUS-story so far with some nice audio.
- Divebomb Jingle (Update Sessie 1994)
- Studio Toots Session (Bassta 1996)
- A preview of The Ideal Crash by Belgian popexpert Clement Peerens
- AB-session (Bassta 1999)
- Tomorrow Tom will be on Dutch NPS TV3. Broadcast starts at 19.20 hour. You should be able to watch it on line from 21.00 hour.
- dEUS will perform live for Dutch radio 3FM (VPRO) on September 11th, the eve of the album release. The session will be available in 3VOOR12TV and will be aired on 3FM radio on September 15th.
- FNAC in Paris is celebrating its anniversary with dEUS on September 15th. I have no clue in which FNAC-store it will be, but probably in the big one on the Champs Elysées.
(Source : dEUS.be)
A lot of people seem to have troubles finding the 7 days, 7 weeks single-version with 3 tracks. The only thing they find in stores is the version with Wheels as a B-side. I didn't have the time to check out recordstores in my hometown this weekend, but has anyone seen the 3-track somewhere else than iTunes?
Update: the 3-track is apparently a UK-only release that will be available in limited amounts in France and The Netherlands too.
If you bought the single already, you can download Meeting You on iTunes.
The 7 days, 7 weeks single will be available in the UK from October 17th on vynil and cd-single. Meanwhile you can always order it at Proxis.be or download it on iTunes.
(Source : dEUS.be)
7 days, 7 weeks is now on the 4th position in Humo's Top 20. A number one spot next week?
In Kinkfm's Outlaw 41 the single is now on number 8.
Since most of you didn't share my Pearl Jam-feeling on Include Me Out, I didn't post about the Axl Rose-feeling i get when listening to Stop-Start Nature. But at least I'm not alone with that one.
If anyone was hoping dEUS to be the headliner of the first day of the Antwerp Wonderfestival, he'd better stop. The 'wonderguest'-spot has been filled in by The Frames.
Two days since I updated you on eBay. It looks like the 7 inches of Little Arithmetics are very popular these days. I found three pieces.
- Humo promo-cd
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd (here's another one)
- The Ideal Crash - cd
- Little Arithmetics - 7" picture disc (here's another one and here too)
- Fell Off The Floor, Man - cd-single
- Instant Street - cd-single
- Instant Street - promo-single
- Theme From Turnpike - cd-single
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single (digipack)
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single (French 2track) (here's another one)
- My Sister=My Clock
- Tickets for the AB-concert on October 13th (and here's another pair)
From September 1st on the French V2-minisite will contain a new song of Pocket Revolution each day. The same day they will launch a contest.
German music-magazine Intro also reviewed Pocket Revolution. And they interviewed Tom.
Apparently no one has noticed that Stubru is giving us a preview of the album since last monday. They add a track each day until September 1st. In the night from September 1st to September 2nd (starting from midnight) they will have a special broadcast about the album.
By the way: 7 days, 7 weeks moved up to number 18 in De Afrekening. Keep on voting!
Nice one. An Irish journalist (and dEUS-fan) describes interviewing Tom as one of the oddest moments of his life.
Disorder magazine has a review of Pocket Revolution. The album gets 8/10.
Belgian alt-rockers dEUS return with their fourth and best album, Pocket Revolution. With a six-year hiatus, a line-up shake up (with the ex-Soulwax drummer now on board) and a major-label deal, dEUS sound at their most refreshed and cohesive. (read on)(thx to Mellophobia)
Canvas will broadcast Any Way The Wind Blows on October 5th, a week before the dEUS-gigs in Brussel.
Update: La Deux (RTBF) will air AWTWB on October 8th.
(Source : Canvas.be, dEUS.be)
The official site published a new interview with Tom. It's was recorded at last week's listening session outside the ICP-studios. Click here to watch it.
7 days, 7 weeks has only been released one day and it's already the best-selling track on iTunes Belgium. And this week's Humo has the lyrics of the single.
(thx to Jyves)
The Millionaire-management told me Millionaire will not be supporting dEUS in October. But there was other great news: Millionaire has been asked to support Foo Fighters in Earl's Court, London on December 18th.
iTunes is offering the 7 days, 7 weeks EP now. If you have the iTunes-software installed, you should be able to download it here. Price is 0,99 euro per song or 3,96 euro for the entire EP.
- 7 days, 7 weeks (3:55) - download
- Wheels (3:24) - download
- Meeting You (1:43) - download
- Pocket Revolution (6:01) - download
- Sun Ra (6:43) - download
If you haven't got the iTunes-software, click here to download the software.
Great new feature on dEUS.be. Arthur added two rss-feeds which enable you to stay up to date with the latest dEUS-news and the latest dEUS.be-updates. And V2 has created a dEUS-mailinglist that will keep us even more up to date.
Last week I told you V2 tracked down the journalist who was trying to sell his promo of Pocket Revolution on eBay. Today I discovered another one. Recordstore Music-Wow is offering Pocket Revolution for about 10.32 euro. Free delivery from September 12th.
For the collectors out there: check this numbered WCS-vynil or this French promo for No More Loud Music. And there's another Bang!-version of Zea available on eBay too. Don't forget bidding for this Zea-version and the Little Arithmetics picture disc ends today!
Other new items on eBay:
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd
- Theme From Turnpike - cd-single
- Humo promo-cd
- Hotellounge - 2track cd-single
- Hotellounge - cd-single (jewelcase)
- Hotellounge - cd-single with art cards
- No More Loud Music - cd (another one)
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- My Sister = My Clock
- The Ideal Crash - cd
- The Ideal Crash - promo-cd
There are some false (at least as far as I know) rumours going around concerning the dEUS-appearance on Pukkelpop.
I checked dEUS.be once again and I read this item.
This is what I conclude: there will not be a concert. You will only be able to listen the entire album and to watch all dEUS-videos from the No More Loud Music-dvd. The video for 7 days, 7 weeks will not be shown!
I don't think the Pukkelpop-organisation would not announce a dEUS-concert. It's their aim to get as many people as possible...
(thx to Quinten who scanned this article from Metro)
If you're desperately trying to get tickets for the (sold out) Nighttown-concert, you might want to check Dutch webzine Motel Magnolia. They have a contest on line. Two persons can win a duo-ticket for the concert. They also have a nice round up of the dEUS-history so far (in dutch).
The guy who's selling tickets for the Berlin show has apparently been too fast. Tickets weren't available on Ticketonline.de yesterday, but today they're on sale again. And the guy removed the item from eBay.
Forgot to mention this yesterday. 7 days, 7 weeks entered De Afrekening, a listeners chart from Studio Brussel, on spot 28. Not as high as I expected. But maybe we should all cast our vote here. I wrote a quick how-to for the non-Dutch-speaking people earlier.
In Humo's Top 20 it's going way better. The single entered at position 8. Click here to vote.
And in KinkFM's Outlaw 41 7 days, 7 weeks is on 13 after two weeks.
Tonight the Pixies play at the Pukkelpop-festival in Belgium. Flemish newspaper De Morgen has a big story about the band. In one of the smaller articles Tom is telling about his relation with the Pixies.
Back in 1988 he was looking for musicians to start a band style Velvet Underground/Pixies. Not that the early dEUS has reflection of these two bands, but Tom was convinced that people who didn't know the bands were no good. He didn't want to make Pixies-music, because he was sure he couldn't beat the original. Tom says that if the early dEUS does remind someone to Pixies, it surely has something to do with Rudy playing the guitar. ,,Rudy was a Pixie before the Pixies"
Antwerpen, 1988. Een pezige, zeventienjarige jongeman met halflang haar en een net als ons niet van pukkels gespaard gebleven aangezicht stapt de inmiddels verdwenen muziekhandel Praetorius binnen met de vraag of hij een 'annonce' achter de etalage mag hangen. De jongeman, Tom Barman (den Tommy voor de vrienden), blijkt op zoek te zijn naar muzikanten voor een net opgericht groepje. Een groepje dat, zo leert de oproep, muziek maakt "stijl Velvet Underground/Pixies".
Tom Barman is de bewuste oproep vandaag nog niet vergeten. "Ik herinner me alles wat met de Pixies te maken heeft nog goed", zegt hij. "In ongeveer dezelfde periode ben ik nog naar hun optreden op Futurama gaan kijken. Jammer genoeg had ik net de Jozef Stalin onder de sinusitten. Ik heb er tot mijn grote frustratie maar een kwartier bewust van meegemaakt."
Hoe zot de jonge Barman ook van de Pixies was, van een rechtstreekse invloed op het beginnende dEUS kan er volgens hem geen sprake zijn. "Ik denk dat ik destijds in die annonce naar de Pixies en de Velvets heb verwezen om te vermijden dat er mensen op af zouden komen die niet wisten wie de Velvet Underground en de Pixies waren. Met zo'n volk viel in mijn ogen niets te beginnen. Maar of we echt muziek wilden maken die zoveel mogelijk op die van de Pixies moest lijken? Nee.
Waarschijnlijk wist ik toen al dat de Pixies imiteren eenvoudigweg onmogelijk is. Wie het probeert, die gaat gegarandeerd plat op zijn bek. Als de vroege dEUS aan de Pixies doet denken, dan heeft dat waarschijnlijk met het nogal vreemde gitaarspel van Rudy Trouvé te maken. (lacht) Rudy was eigenlijk al een Pixie nog voor de Pixies bestonden."
Barmans liefde voor de Pixies staat vandaag nog altijd pal overeind. "Ik zet hun platen nog regelmatig op", zegt hij, om tegelijk toe te geven dat het niet helemaal liefde op het eerste gehoor was. "Toen ik Surfer Rosa voor het eerst hoorde, had ik echt schrik van die plaat. Maar eens van de schrik bekomen, was ik voorgoed verkocht. Behalve angstaanjagend zijn hun liedjes ook behoorlijk melodieus. Black Francis kan heel hard schreeuwen, maar ook verschrikkelijk goed zingen. En ja, ik weet het: Kim Deal is een fantastische bassiste. Al blijft Kim Gordon van Sonic Youth voor mij de moeder aller bassistes."
I just noticed Arthur added ticketlinks for the Portuguese dates. Let's see how fast they sell out.
- Aula Magna (4-5/12)
- Casa Da Musica (6/12)
Theme from turnpike - cd-single
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd (here's another one)
- No More Loud Music - cd
- My Sister=My Clock
- Island is... - compilation tape with dEUS, U2, Tracy Bonham,...
- The Ideal Crash - cd
- Via - 7"
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- Tickets for the 11/10 AB-show
- Tickets for the concert in Berlin
I was preparing another post about eBay when I bumped into tickets for the concert in Berlin. The seller says the concert is sold out and that's what it looks like on Ticketonline.de also. I haven't received any official confirmation yet.
By the way: the guy who sells the tickets is a professional. Check out the list of tickets he's selling.
I had a great experience yesterday evening. Universal Belgium (the record company that releases Pocket Revolution in Belgium) organised a listening session for the new album in the ICP-studios. About 40 Belgian journalist had the chance to listen to the album for the first time (if they hadn't downloaded it yet). A bit strange, sitting on a chair for an hour listening to an album.
It's not common practice in Belgium to organise such sessions, but Universal wanted to show how important the new dEUS is for them. The last time they did a listening session in Belgium was with the release of How to dismantle an atomic bomb by U2.
Tom, Stéphane and Alan were also there. Tom did a short intro for the press. He said to be happy the album is finished. He praised Michel Dierickx who did a great job mixing the album. Tom is doing promo-interviews and the album gets very good reactions.
During one of those interviews an Italian journalist asked Tom if it's not commercial suicide to open the album with Bad Timing, a song of 7 minutes length. Tom didn't know the answer immediately. The journalist answered: Offcourse not, it's a great song!
First reactions of the press seemed to be quite good. Everyone got a promo-copy. Expect some reviews in the week of the release!
Arthur and I recorded a track-by-track-interview Tom. I'm not gonna spoil your fun, so check out the official website very soon for the video.
There was Deus-beer (a sort of champagne-beer, brewn close to my hometown). Christian liked the baseline of the beer: Brut des Flandres. Sort of what dEUS is all about. But there is no other 'link' between the band and the beer.
Oh yeah, the English journalist who tried to sell his promo-copy on eBay was tracked down by V2. I wonder if she will still get promo's...
The French part of V2-records has created a dEUS-minisite. You can listen to 7 days, 7 weeks and will find the video for it there as soon as it's finished. They promise more tracks and a contest. Check it out!
(source: Visual Music)
If you're looking for Zea but don't want to join the bidding-war on eBay you might want to check this. Someone is offering Zea for the fix price of 65 euro.
(thx to Davy)
Last week a Jack&Johny-version of Zea was sold for 262,75 euro on eBay. Anyone interested in a Bang!-version of Zea? I bet no one is interested in paying 60 euro for 1 ticket for the concert in the Ancienne Belgique on October 13rd.
Other new items on eBay:
- Little Arithmetics - 7" picture disc
- a rare 3-track promo-cd for In A Bar,...
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - lp
- Volume 11 Compilation
- Instant Street - cd-single
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- Roses - cd-single (version 1)
- Humo promo-cd
- My Sister=My Clock
- Little Arithmetics - 2-track cd-single
- Hotellounge - 2-track cd-single
- Hotellounge - 3-track cd-single (jewelcase)
- Hotellounge - cd-single (digipack)
- The Ideal Crash - cd
Funny one. This guy telling us the last album he bought is Pocket Revolution by dEUS. Shouldn't that be "last album stolen"? ;-)
Probably the cheapest site that is offering Pocket Revolution at this moment. CD Wow sends Pocket Revolution straight to your snail mailbox for 12.99 euro.
(thx to Carlo)
It's been a while since I've updated you on eBay-items. Here we go. The big shot is probably this Worst Case Scenario LP. It's a numbered promo-edition, including freebies such as a photo of the band, a postcard and the cd-booklet. An item that will probably make some money.
Other interesting item is this Worst Case Scenario-promotape from Island Records. And if you want to attend the album release-event at London's ICA, check this item.
Here are the other items:
- Suds And Soda - cd-single (digipack)
- Via - cd-single
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single
- Hotellounge - cd-single
- Theme from Turnpike - cd-single
- Hotellounge - cd-single (and here's another one)
- Roses - cd-single (part 1)
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd (and here's another one) (here also)
- Humo promo-cd
- Worst Case Scenario - cd (and here's another one)
- No More Loud Music
- Tickets for the Effenaar-concert
- Tickets for the Ancienne Belgique-concert (12/10) (and here's another pair)
By the way: the Jack&Johny-version of Zea was sold for 262,75 euro.
Part of the dEUS-concert on Lowlands 1999 is now available as a torrent on Dimeadozen. Click here to download the torrent.
7 days, 7 weeks, the new single will be available in the iTunes Music Store from August 22nd. The two b-sides will be Wheels and Meeting You. The regular single will be released one week later. You can already pre-order it at Proxis.be and a couple of other sites.
The artwork-frontside is the same as the one I showed you earlier. This is the tracklist of the single:
01 7 days, 7 weeks 03:53
02 Wheels 03:23
03 Meeting You 01:45
There will also be a special digital EP available on iTunes including three tracks from Pocket Revolution: If you don't get what you want, Pocket Revolution and Sun Ra.
(Source: dEUS.be)
Proxis also has the possibility to pre-order Pocket Revolution. And they're not using the wrong tracklist.
Great news for those of you going to Pukkelpop. There will be a listening session on saturday in the Chateau. From 12.30 hours on you'll be able to hear Pocket Revolution from Bad Timing until Nothing Really Ends. All dEUS-videoclips will be showed and you'll also get a sneak preview of the new videoclip.
In case you haven't read it: there will also be a listening session on Lowlands the same weekend.
(Source : Studio Brussel)
The radio-session dEUS played for Studio Brussel's Bassta in 1996 is now available as a torrent. Enjoy!
- Little arithmetics
- Nine threads
- Serpentine
- Opening night
- Disappointed in the sun
- Me and your mother
- For the roses
You've probably noticed the MM on the backside of the promo-single for 7 days, 7 weeks. These two letters refer to Marc Meulemans, the guy who also did the artwork for the download-only-single If You Don't Get What You Want and the t-shirts that were sold during the 2004-tour. Meulemans also worked for Any Way The Winds Blow and Magnus.
(thx to Kevin and Christian)
I got confirmation from the Paradiso-reception the dEUS-concert is now completely sold out. The same message is on the Paradiso-website. No more tickets at the Amsterdam Uitbureau or in some obscure local recordstore.
Vinyl Exchange, a Manchester based secondhand recordstore, offers a promo of Pocket Revolution for £ 20.00. It's a cd-r, with press sheets and it probably has the same backside as I posted earlier (since that also came from a promo-cd-r).
(thx to funkyphil)
Update: it looks like the item is already sold
I finally got an answer from the webmaster of Re-set, the a cappella-group I mentioned in July. They have Fell Off The Floor, Man on their setlist.
Tom Barman will be one of the guests of Buscemi at the Lokerse Feesten tonight. Other guests include Laïs and Isabelle Antena. And tomorrow you can go and see watch Mauro (with Othin Spake) at Jazz Middelheim. For more Mauro-dates, please check Mauroworld.
(Source : De Morgen, GVA)
Last weekend I published the backside from the Pocket Revolution-promo-cd. Today I give you front and backside of the 7 days, 7 weeks promo-single. Brought to you straight from the desk of an English journalist. Just another journalist without ethics?
The artwork makes me think of Pearl Jam's Yield-album. And from time to time I think Pocket Revolution is very Pearl Jam-ish too (for example the intro from Include Me Out). Am I the only one?
According to this article on 3voor12 the preview of Pocket Revolution on Lowlands was organised because Franz Ferdinand has moved the release of their new album to October 4th.
It's now less or more sure that Millionaire will not be supporting dEUS in november. The Millionaire-website has a bunch of tourdates in november that are not matching with the dEUS-dates. October is still empty, so there is still some hope for France.
Loads of "new" stuff on eBay today
- No More Loud Music - cd
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
- In A Bar, Under The Sea - cd ²
- 4 tickets for the 13/10 AB-concert
And the German fan that was selling his entire collection strikes back. Here's his list.
BTW: if you're interested in the Jack&Johny-version of Zea, you better start looking for some extra cash. Bidding ends tomorrow.
If somebody from outside France is planning on visiting the concert in L' Olympia (Paris), check this out. Jetset Live is offering a package including tickets for the concert, a hotel and transport)
The countdown has begun. Yesterday I already told you about the possibility to pre-order Pocket Revolution (cd and vynil) on Amazon.de. Today I noticed you can order 7 days, 7 weeks at Proxis.be. And Ziggy reported the same thing about cdgo.com: they have 7 days, 7 weeks and Pocket Revolution on cd and 2lp.
Update : Indiedetective.de has it also. And so does Bol.com (thx Nina)
Pieter noticed a different tracklisting on the German Amazon-site
Have they really changed the tracklisting? I don't think so. It's not that easy since the cd's (or at least the booklets) are probably printed by now. And Amazon has probably just copy-pasted from the V2-site where all songs are showed randomly in exactly the same order as they are on the Amazon-site.
- Bad Timing
- 7 days, 7 weeks
- Stop-Start Nature
- Include Me Out
- The Real Sugar
- Sun Ra
- Nothing Really Ends
- If You Don't Get What You Want
- What We Talk About (When We Talk About Love)
- Pocket Revolution
- Nightshopping
- Cold Sun of Circumstance
BTW: I don't think the official site would mention an incorrect tracklisting.
Strange. Yesterday it was not possible to order tickets for the Nighttown-concert through Ticketmaster.nl. Today it looks they're available again. And the site of the Amsterdam Uitburo says it still has tickets for dEUS, but the order-page says tickets are no longer available.
You can pre-order Pocket Revolution from the German Amazon-site. Price is 16.99 euro. There is also a vynil available.
Absynthe Minded will be playing 5 concerts in The Netherlands and 1 in Luxemburg in support of dEUS.
- 16/10 : Tivoli, Utrecht
- 17/10 : Oosterpoort, Groningen
- 18/10 : Paradiso, Amsterdam
- 19/10 : Effenaar, Eindhoven
- 21/10 : Nighttown, Rotterdam
- 22/10 : Den Atelier, Luxemburg
(thx to Rebecca)
Ticketmaster no longer sells tickets for the concert in Nighttown. If you wanna see dEUS in The Netherlands you better buy tickets for De Oosterpoort fast.
Read on if you haven't heard Pocket Revolution yet and if you're going to the Lowlands-festival. There will be two sneak previews of the album in the Livexs-tent. The album will be played on saturday and sunday from 12.00 pm.
And if you're still looking for tickets for the concert in Het Patronaat, you have to listen to NightLiveXS on Dutch radiostation Kink Fm. Tomorrow, between 20 and 22 hours, they will give away the last tickets.
(thx to Muziekmedicus)
Did anyone know there were Hotellounge-postcards? I bumped into one on eBay .
Other new items on eBay include
- Little Arithmetics - 7" picture disc
- Theme From Turnpike - 10"
- In a bar, under the sea - LP
- Humo promo-cd (and another one)
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single (digipack)
- No More Loud Music
- Worst Case Scenario - cd
Great. It looks like Revdoc has started something with the Pacific-concert. Idiotic has upped one song (called tENERIFE) of the Pukkelpop-gig back in 1996. Yeps, the last concert Stef played with dEUS. You can download it here. If you prefer the complete gig you might want to try this torrent.
Tickets for the concert in Paradiso, Amsterdam are no longer on sale through Ticketmaster.nl. The concert is probably sold out as well. Tickets for De Oosterpoort and Nighttown are still available.
I have no cable-tv and wasn't able to watch Zomergasten live last sunday. Someone recorded it for me and I watched the first part yesterday evening. Two things that were not mentioned anywhere else yet.
- dEUS stopped playing Sister Dew live because Tom thinks he doesn't sing it well enough. He knows at least three or four people who can sing it beter
- The real sugar, one of the songs on Pocket Revolution is dedicated to Mark Sandman, the singer of Morphine. He died on stage on July 3rd 1999 in Rome, a couple of weeks after dEUS played the same venue.
Sandman has been a big influence for Tom, he told in a couple of interviews. dEUS and Morphine toured the USA together back in 1997 and Dana Colley, the sax-player of Morphine played on Supermarketsong and joined dEUS a couple of times on stage.
You can watch Zomergasten here (Real Player needed).
Kevin Moens got a promo of Pocket Revolution from V2-music. We have all seen the front side of Pocket Revolution by now. But who has seen the back side?
If you're looking for tickets for the Patronaat-gig, check out Marktplaats.nl.
(thx tp dakjuh)
The video for the new Millionaire-single I'm on a high is on line. Click here to watch it. As mentioned before, the video features Mauro in a ,,kinky toiletscene" somewhere in the middle of the clip.
And if you're in the UK, feel free to join the Millionaire-streetteam.
(thx to Jolien)
Danny and Els from Vive La Fête have their own rubrique in the Flemish talkshow Zomer 2005: Vive La Bête. Last weekend they visited the European Championship Western Riding. If you wanna see it, you have to watch the show tonight.
Flemish newspaper Het Belang Van Limburg joined Danny and Els on their trip. Danny was wearing a feather in his hair because ,,I'm an Indian. Tom Barman is a cowboy. At least that's what he thinks." Hey, now we know why Tom is wearing that hat on a lot of Magnus-pics.
Danny daarentegen draagt een pluim in zijn ravenzwarte haar. "Ik ben een Indiaan," grijnst hij. "Tom Barman is een cowboy. Tenminste: dat denkt hij toch," sneert hij eens te meer naar zijn ex-dEUS-kompaan.
Gazet Van Antwerpen has an interview with Stef Kamil Carlens today. He was not feeling kinda homesick when recording with dEUS. He has his own career now. If he would join dEUS again there would be immediate conflicts between Tom and him. And apparently he will join dEUS some time during the tour. Probably not in September or October then, because Zita Swoon is touring then also.
Here's the fragment where Stef talks about dEUS.
Je hebt meegewerkt mee aan de nieuwe dEUS-cd die op 9 september uitkomt. Voel je het nooit kriebelen om weer op scène te staan met je ex-groep?
Nee, daar heb ik absoluut geen zin in. Ik heb mijn eigen carrière nu. Het is zoveel werk geweest om alles op te bouwen. Geen haar op mijn hoofd dat eraan denkt om dat los te laten.
Zou het botsen tussen jou en Tom Barman?
(lacht) Binnen de kortste keren. Nu, dat op zich zou geen reden zijn om het niét te doen - botsen kan interessant zijn. Ik ga zeker wel eens mee op de nieuwe tournee.Tommy heeft gevraagd of hij me mag boeken (glimlacht).
And be prepared: there will be a Zita Swoon-dvd in december! And next summer Stef will be the host for the music-part of Theater aan Zee, a festival in Oostende. Stef will be playing a concert and will invite other artists.
Earlier this week, Revdoc gave us an old recording of Zea. He's now ready with mastering the complete concert. You can download it on Rapidshare as well: part 1 part 2.
More info in this thread of the I Suffer Rock-community.
Note: you have to wait one hour between downloading part 1 and part 2.
If you're looking for tickets for the Effenaar-concert, you can try eBay now. For the first time a pair of non-Ancienne Belgique-tickets has been added.
Other new items:
- Little Arithmetics - cd-single (jewelcase)
- A promo-lp from Greek radiostation Rodon FM (with Hotellounge on it)
- My Sister=My Clock - cd
- A German promo-cd (with Disappointed in the sun)