11 April 2008 at 10:21 posted by Bart Van Belle 1 Comment

Vantage Point is no longer available on the Spanish Heineken-website. Yesterday all Belgian newssites (starting with Het Laatste Nieuws) reported about the pre-listening possibily as Heineken.es. Obviously Universal (the record company for Belgium) wasn't very happy about it.

The deal with Heineken was made by Co-operative Music (COOP), the late V2, the record company that is representing dEUS in the rest of the world. Universal didn't known about the deal.

Yesterday evening, while the news had been widely spread in Belgium, Heineken removed the album. It's still unclear if this incident will affect other (already announced) pre-listening possibilities such as the VPRO-luisterpaal.

(Source: De Morgen, Gazet van Antwerpen en De Standaard)

Update: dEUS manager Christian Pierre was interviewed by Focus Knack about this.

1 Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Heel veel drukte om niets. Het album is volgens geruchten al meer dan twee weken in zijn totaliteit te downloaden. Ik vind dat iedereen de plaat moet kopen, en ga dat zelf ook doen, maar heb toch even mijn nieuwsgierigheid bevredigd en ja hoor, die geruchten zijn waar.
    Hier het artikel waardoor ik nieuwsgierig was geworden: