The Architect:
- status-quo on #5 in the Ultratop
- on #6 in De Afrekening
- on #1 in Humo's Top 20
- no longer in the Ultratop
- on #8 in Humo's Top 20
Vantage Point:
- still on #2 in the Ultratop
- on #1 in Humo's Top 20
The Architect:
Vantage Point:
Pocket Revolution reviewed by and the Belgian expats in Paris.
(source: dEUS-fr)
Arte will air the session dEUS played for One Shot Not tonight at 22.25h. More info and a small set of pictures here.
dEUS will play the Lowlands-festival in Biddinghuizen (The Netherlands). The festival is scheduled from August 15th until August 17th.
Found some extra info on the gig in Spain. According to Bilbao Rock City dEUS will play on the Esplanada del Guggenheim (the square before the Guggenheim Museum) on June 21st. Other bands that are playing include The Ettes, El Columpio Asesino and Virüs. And admission is free.
A new list of tourdates has been released on A couple of them were already mentioned on this blog before. Here are the new ones:
I've updated the tourdates-overview and the tourmap with the latest info.
The Architect is now on #3 in De Afrekening. Slow has entered the list on #30. In Humo's Top 20 The Architect is still at the top, while Slow has moved to 9. Vantage Point is still on 1 in the album chart.
In the Ultratop Slow, When She Comes Down and Eternal Woman have disappeared. The Architect is now on #5, while Vantage Point keeps the 2nd spot in the album chart.
A nice version of 7 days, 7 weeks back in August 2005 from the archives of Waxx Music.
(Source: dEUS-fr)
Visual Music reveals 5 new tourdates in France:
Vantage Point reviewed by Muhead:
Trying out life in the mainstream should prove to be a good ride for dEUS, as the slick and speedy Vantage Point has all the right components to make it fly off the shelves or into iPods. There's a wealth of influences and momentum here that lift it way above the common place and mark it out as a potential classic.
Other reviews: Fluctuat, A Nous Paris
Another episode of the official dEUS-podcast has been published, covering the gigs in Zürich and Vienna. Check it out here.
According to Last.FM dEUS will play the Ypsigrock-festival in Castelbuono (Italy). The festival will take place on August 10th and 11th.
Tom Barman will be one of the guests in Phara, a talkshow on Belgian tv-channel Canvas on tuesday. The show starts at 23.05 hour.
The 4th Vantage Point-song in the Ultratop is When She Comes Down on #49. The Architect is still on #2, Eternal Woman is on #36 (last week #35) and Slow on #43 (last week #49).
In the album-chart Vantage Point is now on #2.
Vantage Point reviewed by Cokemachineglow:
Vantage Point will not shock or surprise you with the same exhibitionistic ferocity as their debut but it will engage you with its emotional range and scope.
Other reviews: X-silence, Playlist Society, The Music Magazine and Pinkushion.
(thx to Harry)
The Architect is no longer at #1 in De Afrekening. It stays on #1 in Humo's Top 20. Vantage Point is still on #1 in Humo's Top 20 Albums. And Slow is on #7 in Humo's Arriba.
dEUS continues their take-over of the belgian singles chart. Stubru reports that next saturday 4 dEUS-songs will be in the chart. The Architect remains on #2. The other songs are probably Slow, Eternal Woman and ???.
Crud Magazine about Vantage Point:
Vantage Point is an album that really unwinds with every listen, certainly one of their very best.
Vantage Point reviewed by The Times (2 stars out of 5).
Of the 10 tracks, only the beautiful Smokers Reflect invites a wholehearted thumbs-up.
Disappointingly, after a good start Vantage Point falls apart like Ledley King gone white water rafting. The blissed out, strings-and-girl-from-the-Knife-laden Eternal Woman is pleasing, if a little plain, but it is the dated electro rock of Favourite Game and the painful stab at appearing relevant that is the synthy punk funk of The Architect that sees dEUS go from innovating to imitating.
This Is Fake DIY isn't exactly impressed by the double A-side-single The Architect / Slow. Some quotes:
'The Architect' is over the top Euro pop tosh that wouldn't look too out of place on a soundtrack to a 1980s spoof movie. embarrassing mess of a single that washes away all memories of dEUS' earlier (and better) output.
'Slow' sounds like something that dEUS could have mustered up in their sleep.
Unless you are a die hard fan, or are looking to bulk out the 'D' section of your CD collection, this is one to best leave behind.
A new episode of the official tour podcast has been published. It was recorded in Munich and Milan and contains a great cover of a dEUS-song by dEUS itself. Check it out over here.
The tour overview is still missing a couple of setlists. If you can complete the list, just drop me a line. Here's what we're missing:
09/04/2008 - Roxy, Saarbrücken, Germany
08/05/2008 - Magazzini Generali, Milan, Italy
09/05/2008 - Rote Fabrik, Zürich, Switzerland
10/05/2008 - Linzfestival, Linz, Austria
According to Last.FM dEUS will play the Arena in Vienna (Austria) on October 7th.
The Architect keeps scoring well in the belgian singles chart. The song has climbed again to #2. Eternal Woman has climbed from 49 to 35 and Slow gained 1 spot (50 to 49). Vantage Point is still topping the album chart.
The Architect is still on #1 in De Afrekening and Humo's Top 20. Vantage Point is still leading in Humo's Top 20 album chart.
Tom will be the central guest of the Filmfestival Oostende. Tom's favourite 10 movies will be shown. The filmfestival is scheduled from August 28 until September 6.
The gig in Brussels reviewed by
The first hour of the Melkweg-gig has been broadcasted a couple of times on 3voor12 TV this week. Watch this topic on ISR as some people are ripping the file for our continuous pleasure. has confirmed the tourdates I've blogged about the last weeks. Here's the summertour (so far). I've updated the tour-overview and the tourmap with the latest info.
28/06/2008 - Les Folies de Maubeuge, Maubeuge, France (tickets)
04/07/2008 - Les Eurockéennes, Belfort, France (tickets)
06/07/2008 - Rock Werchter, Werchter, Belgium (tickets)
08/07/2008 - Rockwave, Athens, Greece (tickets)
11/07/2008 - Oxegen, An Nas, Ireland (SOLD OUT)
12/07/2008 - T in the Park, Balado, Kinross-shire, Schotland (SOLD OUT)
14/07/2008 - sPAZIALE Festival, Torino, Italy (tickets)
15/07/2008 - Piazza Castello , Ferrara, Italy (tickets)
16/07/2008 - Cave Auditorium, Roma, Italy (tickets)
18/07/2008 - Melt Festival, Gräfenhainichen, Germany (tickets)
22/07/2008 - Paléo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland (tickets)
25/07/2008 - Au Pont du Rock, Malestroit, France (tickets)
02/08/2008 - Paredes de Coura festival, Portugal (tickets)
04/08/2008 - Les méditerranéennes, Leucate, France (tickets)
14/08/2008 - Stufstock-festival, Vama Veche, Dobrogea, Romania (tickets)
A small review of the Munich-gig by Wolfgang Scheinert
It was a great show. Outstanding Highlights for me: Smokers Reflect, The
Vanishing of Maria Schneider and the fantastic Nothing Really Ends/Bad Timing combination. As they left the stage for the first time (after Bad Timing), Alan said "what a perfect night", and it was! I'm sorry, but I can't remember the exact order of the songs, but I think at least I remember them all. The crowd was in a good mood, but not moving too much. The sound was great at my position (in front of the soundboard) and it was loud. I was hoping for Popular Culture (as in Brussels), but dEUS didn't come back after Suds and Soda.
Vantage Point will keeps its #1 position in the Belgian album chart for the 3rd week in a row. According to Niels Dierckx (Universal) they've almost sold 30.000 album in Belgium. Vantage Point has sold about 70.000 copies worldwide so far.
(Source: Het Belang van Limburg)
A small video-item from TV Brussel about the gig in the AB, including an interview with Mauro.
Some final notes on the belgian tour:
If you want to read all reviews and setlists, here's an overview:
If you have pictures, videos or reviews, please post them in the comments, send me an e-mail or add your pictures to the dEUS-Flickr Pool.
Last week The Architect was on #14 in Humo's Arriba!. This week it didn't make it to the list anymore, but it was replaced by Slow, entering at #7. The Architect is still topping Humo's Top 20 and Vantage Point is on #1 in the album chart.
Great news from De Afrekening as well, since The Architect took back the first place it lost to the Blackbox Revelation the week before.
The gig in Brussels reviewed by Mint, MonsieurM and Brussel Blogt.
On May 18, dEUS will play a private concert, along with Arid and Girls in Hawaii, for Belgian radio Mint FM. If you wanna attend, you need to enter a SMS-based competition. More information on the Mint website (in French).
A new episode of the official podcast has been published. It also contains some videofootage. Check it out here.
dEUS will play the Les méditerranéennes-festival in Leucate, France on August 4th.
dEUS ended their belgian tour in the Ancienne Belgique. After 5 gigs in "smaller" venues, it was the first gig in Belgium in front of a big crowd. In the afternoon, I heard a rumour that something special was gonna happen, so I was really looking forward to it.
dEUS came on stage a lot earlier than the other gigs (around 20.30h), so I think some people missed the beginning of the show. It seems like they've found the perfect 5 songs to open the gig, since they've opened with the same songs since the gig in Leuven. The sound was a bit messy from time to time, but I was standing close to the speakers. I understand that the sound was really good, elsewhere in the AB.
The band was clearly willing to go 200% for it, just as the audience. The crowd wasn't that good as in Liège, but way better that Leuven and Brugge. From time to time Tom didn't look very happy as he was giving instructions to Wannes (the roadie) and the sound engineer. They messed up the intro for The Architect and Is A Robot too.
Top-songs were Instant Street and the duo Nothing Really Ends / Bad Timing. They kept some suprises for the encores: Lies Lorquet joined them for Eternal Woman during the first encores and they even played a 2nd encore: Popular Culture (with the kids choir).
I had a really good evening and have started the countdown to Maubeuge and Rock Werchter.
C ya there!
dEUS has three songs in the Flemish singles-chart this week. The Architect is on #3, while Eternal Woman and Slow have entered the chart at 49 and 50. Vantage Point also remains on #1 in the album chart (although I feared they would be beaten by Madonna's new album). In the French speaking part of Belgium Vantage Point is on #3 after two weeks and The Architect is on #28 after two weeks.
Vantage Point in other countries:
Fourth dEUS-gig this week and (again) a very good one. Almost as good as the Liège-gig, but the crowd (and atmosphere) there was really unbeatable. Compared to the gig in Breda and even the gig in Hasselt, the gigs are getting better night after night. And if they manage to get control over the technical problems, a dEUS-gig is almost always super.
They played the same songs as in Leuven, but switched the order. They kept Instant Street for the encores and built in some rest after Slow with Smokers Reflect and The Vanishing Of Maria Schneider. It's also great to see that they've got the live-version of Slow under control. The music was loud (maybe too loud), but I didn't mind.
They opened with When She Comes Down followed by Sun Ra. Massive crowd-response during Favorite Game and Fell Off The Floor Man. Then came The Architect and Slow, followed by Smokers Reflect and The Vanishing Of Maria Schneider.
After The Vanishing Of Maria Schneider they got in overdrive again with a fantastic Theme From Turnpike and Is A Robot (a killer-song). The last three songs of the regular set were Roses, Nothing Really Ends and Bad Timing. Needless to say that Brugge went crazy.
Keeping Instant Street for the encores worked out fine as well. And it seems Oh Your God and Suds & Soda will be the last two songs on every gig this tour.
I read an interview with Guy Garvey from Elbow this weekend where Garvey said they would like to take dEUS on tour with them in the UK at the end of this year.
Three more Italian dates have been added:
Ticketsale starts tomorrow (5th of May)
(thx to Attilio)
A small snippet from The Architect as performed in Charleroi.
Nice video by a student called Music and Time in Grand Central Station. Soundtrack is The Real Sugar.
The dEUS-gig in l'Eden in Charleroi? Great! (pronounced like in the Jazz club of The Fast Show). No, really. Unbelievable gig. I didn't know what to expect of l'Eden, but it's a very cool club.
We were a little bit to early in Charleroi. I was afraid of finding a good parking spot, but that wasn't a problem. I parked my car 100m from the door of l'Eden. Everybody was waiting outside, having a beer, smoking a cigarette. Even Mauro, Stephane and Alan came out to enjoy the good weather and the nice admosphere.
20:30 sharp the Black Box Revalotion started their show. Awesome. I was very surprised what those two young guys can do with only a guitar and a drumset. They have a very broeiing future and I'll follow them for sure. They played untill 21:00.
After a few beers (they were easy to get in the nice café of l'Eden, but the Mystic-beer sucked) we were more then ready for dEUS. 21:30 sharp they came on stage. They started of, as expected, with When She Comes Down. Tom was point at the sound engineer a few times, but for I guess he was satisfied after the first song, because he never really looked at the engineer again.
With Sun Ra they punched me in the face (positive way). I was stunned. From there on they kept on going... Sorry, I don't remember the right order of the songs but they played Favourite Game, Eternal Woman, Instant Street, Slow, The Architect, Fell Off The Floor Man, Smokers Reflect, Bad Timing, Is A Robot, Theme From Turnpike, Roses, Oh Your God and ended with Suds and Soda.
The crowd loved their show. A lot of people were moving. I couldn't help it... I was dancing from the first untill the last minute. Some people, I guess not real big fans, didn't move and though dEUS played too hard. But that's the way I like them. The songs of the new cd are great, but live they are harder and much better.
There also was a balcony with places to sit down. During the last song, Suds and Soda, they stopped a second and Tom said: "Vous êtes assis ou quoi?", Meaning: "What the fuck guys, you're sitting down during this awesome party!?" Tom, I didn't understand it either... Great gig, fantastic party, great vennue,... Looking forward to the next dEUS-gig.
Spotted in the audience: Paul Magnette (PS), minister of climate.
(thx to Gilles Simonet)
First time for me in Het Depot and a real discovery. What a great venue. The place was sold out but I had never the feeling that it was too crowded. Great view on the stage too. The lightshow was ok too. I have the impression it looks better in higher rooms than in rooms with a low ceiling like Muziekodroom. Since I spotted Lies Lorquet in the audience I was hoping they'd play Eternal Woman, but they didn't. I also saw Milow and Roel Van der Stukken.
The show started a bit earlier than the days before. Openingtrack was When She Comes Down, immediately followed by Sun Ra and Favorite Game. The sound during Sun Ra was not as it should be. Tom was also having a lot of troubles with his ear-monitors. The crowd was not that crazy than the night before although Tom was trying to make them move.
Few bad things about this gig: Smokers Reflect is a nice song, but I slowed down the gig a lot. Luckily they played Instant Street afterwards, followed by (an excellent) Is A Robot and my live-favorites Nothing Really Ends and Bad Timing. And they have to fix the in-ear-monitorproblem too: Tom even stopped the gig a minute after Instant Street to get completely re-connected.
While a roadie was fixing Tom's in-ear-monitors, Mauro entertained the audience. I was no suprise that the 4 songs that followed made the room go wild: Is A Robot, Nothing Really Ends, Bad Timing en Theme From Turnpike.
They opened the encores with The Vanishing Of Maria Schneider, followed by Roses and Oh Your God. Leuven freaked out completely during Suds & Soda. Nice gig.
As I expected the show in Liège was historic. One of those evenings where everything and everybody is 200%: dEUS in excellent shape, a nice venue, an excellent audience and no technical problems. From the first lines of When She Comes Down to the last riff of Suds & Soda Liège was going crazy.
Compared to the gig in Hasselt the setlist was changed slightly. No Popular Culture and no Smokers Reflect, but Pocket Revolution instead.
The show started rather calm with When She Comes Down and The Vanishing Of Maria Schneider, but in the hour that followed dEUS knocked us out completely. The crowd was very enthusiast and every minute of the gig I got more and more flashbacks to the gigs in 1995-1996. It had been a long time since I saw a dEUS-crowd going crazy almost the whole gig.
Once again, Instant Street and Bad Timing were highlights, but I should also mention Slow, the song that couldn't convince me in Breda and Hasselt, was now played as it should be.
They opened the encores with one of the best live-versions of What We Talk About (When We Talk About) ever, followed by Oh Your God and probably the best Suds & Soda ever played. Comparing gigs througout the years is very difficult, but this gig is in my top 3-dEUS-gigs ever.
dEUS had 4 albums in the Album 100 of Studio Brussel:
8 - Worst Case Scenario
17 - In A Bar, Under The Sea
18 - The Ideal Crash
34 - Pocket Revolution
dEUS will support Interpol at the Bands Apart Festival in Ferrara (Italy) on July 15th.
Yet another great gig. Not that historic as the Liège-gig, but better than Hasselt. A longer review will follow later this weekend.
An extended review will follow later, but this gig is in my list of best dEUS-shows ever. An historic evening...