Kindamuzik has a special about Ex Drummer, a Belgian movie. The movie contains music by Tim Vanhamel, so check out the Myspace or the trailer.
The Kindamuzik-special includes an interview with Stéphane Misseghers. He thinks John Bonham from Led Zeppelin is the best drummer ever. He also talks a bit about dEUS. They've finished a couple of new songs and they're building a studio in Antwerp.
Stéphane is also in a band with Tim Vanhamel and Ben Brunin (ex-Vive la Fête). They've recorded a cover of Physical’ by Olivia Newton John for a Swedish tribute album.
You can listen to Pocket Revolution Burnt: The Jagz Kooner Excursions on the VPRO-Luisterpaal.
(thx to Amber)
Sad news: Marc Meulemans, the guy who did the dEUS artwork since 2004 has died last friday. Meulemans did the artwork for the download-only single If You Don't Get What You Want (summer 2004) and for Pocket Revolution (and the singles from it). He also worked for Magnus and Any Way The Wind Blows.
An update on the Europe-gig: some names have been confirmed: Arno, Axelle Red, Clouseau and Simply Red. No Tom (yet?).
There's a small interview with Manu Riche in De Morgen today. He also talks about the movie he's making about Tom. He hopes to have it ready in September 2007. They've followed dEUS on tour last year and they will also be shooting footage from the band working on the new album
The Jagz Kooner-remixes (the extra tracks on the Pocket Revolution Burnt-album) are available on iTunes.
Click here to download the entire album
Here are deeplinks to listen to snippets of the remixes
1. If You Don’t Get What You Want
2. Cold Sun Of Circumstance
3. 7 days, 7 weeks
4. Bad Timing
5. Sun Ra
6. Nightshopping
7. Pocket Revolution
(thx to Frederiek)
A message straight from the Musickness-headquarters: Tom will not be deejaying at the Sex, Lies & Andy-event.
Some more info on the Europe-birthday-gig in Brussels: apparently each country will be sending a big shot. First names are Julio Iglesias (Spain) and Eros Ramazotti (Italy). I haven't found any confirmation of the other names yet, but The Scorpions (Germany), Bryan Ferry (United Kingdom), The Corrs (Ireland) and Yannick Noah (France) are said to be performing there too.
As mentioned before Tom Barman/dEUS and Arno are rumoured to be the Belgian acts.
I have some doubts about Bryan Ferry because he has a gig in the UK the same day.
The website about the anniversary mentions the gig and tells us it will be screened on television.
Just tested the Fabplayer from Enjoy the Zita Swoon-gig in Paradiso (March 2005).
Mauro and Rudy Trouvé have created the music for Trust, a piece of music theatre by Braakland. Trust will be played for the first time on February 15th and 16th in the Stadsschouwburg of Leuven. There's a small trailer featuring Mauro and Rudy over here. And you can listen to two snippets of the soundtrack here.
The piece is based on a moviescript by writer, director and musician Hal Hartley.
BTW: on the 17th The Love Substitutes will also play Leuven.
V2 America has fired 35 people, including president Andy Gershon, as part of a restructuring. The label will mainly become a catalog label and will not release any new stuff from bands as the White Stripes, Moby and the Raconteurs. The only genre the company plans to participate in going forward is gospel.
Don't know what this means for dEUS and America, but something tells me this isn't very good news. They already had a lack of support in the States and it probably won't get better.
Update: Pitchfork on the same subject.
Antwerp based Radio Centraal aired a special on De Muziekdoos this weekend. It included an 8-minute interview with Tom about this import place in dEUS-history. You can listen to it on the podcast. reminds us that our beloved band is nominated for two Zamu-awards. If you want to vote for dEUS as Best Belgian Live Act, click here. if you want to vote for 'What We Talk About' as Best Song, click here.
On March 24th there's a big event in Brussels to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the treaty of Rome. There will be a concert near the Atomium in Brussels. There are strong rumours that Tom Barman and Arno will be performing there. I'll keep you posted.
The video for "De Doorgedachte", the song Tom Barman wrote with former Doe Maar frontman Henny Vrienten, can be seen on It's part of a show on NPS television called "Het Uur van de Wolf", dedicated to the album "De Nacht" by Vrienten. Direct link to the video: fast-forward to 19:23 to hear Tom & Henny sing.
(edited: I corrected Vrienten's name. Thank you, anonymous reader.)
[thx to Myrdin on the ISR forum]
Tom and Mauro will be performing on Sex, Lies & Andy, a 3 day-tribute to Andy Warhol by Klara and the Beursschouwburg. Tom will be deejaying on February 22th and Mauro will play some ‘sounds for Andy’ the same evening.
(thx to Simone)
De Morgen has an article about Tom's movieplans. Tom says we can expect more movies in the future. He's got plans for a comedy, an adaption of a book and a self-written script. Nothing is concrete yet and he will be focussing on music first now.
About AWTWB: he has seen it a lot: the movie was selected for 25 festivals and mostly he travelled along. It was a bit of a shock to see it back again in Dublin last september, because it was the first time he saw it in a long time.
dEUS has been nominated as best live-act for the yearly Zamu-awards. What We Talk About (When We Talk About Love) is competing in the Best Song-category.
Dirk De Ruyck, the guy who started the Belmondo and Eskimo-parties in Ghent and who founded the Culture Club, is gonna work for dEUS in the future. The article in Gazet Van Antwerpen doesn't mention what De Ruyck is going to do.
(Source: Gazet Van Antwerpen)
Sad news: apparently the Antwerp pub called De Muziekdoos is closing because of financial troubles. It's the place where bands as dEUS and Moondog Jr played a lot in the early years.
I got a mail from Christian Pierre about Tom's cocktail. Apparently it's the SIPS who deserves all the credit. And Sura Dohnke is an actress in Any Way The Wind Blows (as someone posted in the comments).
dEUS scored 5 tracks in De Tijdloze Honderd from Studio Brussel.
8. Suds & Soda
13. Roses
28. Instant Street
40. Hotellounge
41. Nothing Really Ends
De Morgen had an item about Belgian rockers (Tom, Daan, Stef-Kamil, Stijn) singing in Dutch. It doesn't contain anu new info, but here's the dutch text anyway.
dEUS-voorman Tom Barman, die jaren geleden al meeschreef aan Gorki's 'Ik ben aanwezig', leverde onlangs met 'De doorgedachte' zijn eerste zelfgeschreven Nederlandstalige liedje af. Het belandde weliswaar op de jongste plaat van Henny Vrienten, maar toch, daar zal het volgens de Antwerpenaar beslist niet bij blijven. Want of hij zich nu van de taal van Shakespeare, Molière of Conscience bedient, voor Tom Barman telt in de eerste plaats de kwaliteit van het nummer.
"Eigenlijk is in het Nederlands schrijven niet zo anders", schokschoudert hij. "Je moet er enkel voor zorgen dat je geprogrammeerd staat op je eigen taal wanneer je je gitaar vastpakt, en dat vergt niet meer dan een eenvoudige klik." Barman voegt er echter aan toe dat het Nederlands zich weliswaar uitstekend leent voor een traag nummer, maar voor het uptempo werk moeilijker te beteugelen is. "Dan moet het spitser en energieker en kun je het sowieso niet over dezelfde dingen hebben."
Barman onderschrijft Daans stelling dat er voor een Vlaamse zanger-muzikant minder risico op geloofwaardigheidsverlies bestaat wanneer die van het Engels naar het Nederlands overschakelt. "Puur geografisch is in het Nederlands beginnen dus een vernauwing, maar dat kan volgens de
perceptie blijkbaar wel. Omgekeerd komt het al gauw over als een carrièrezet, en ik ken eerlijk gezegd niet veel voorbeelden die daarmee weggekomen zijn. Kijk maar naar Clouseau."
Een niet onbelangrijke consequentie van schrijven in de moedertaal is wel dat je als tekstschrijver zogoed als naakt komt te staan. Maar dat is net opwindend, ondervindt Barman. "Al mijn teksten zijn immers persoonlijk. Alleen is het niet meer dan normaal dat men hier in Vlaanderen of in Nederland automatisch beter zal luisteren naar een Nederlandstalige tekst.
Dat plots een barrière wegvalt, dat je je in een song kunt uitdrukken zoals je dat in het dagelijkse leven doet, maakt het des te spannender."