22 February 2008 at 12:25 posted by Bart Van Belle 3 Comments

I have been subscribed to the Last.FM Events-feed for dEUS for a while. Saw a new event popping up this morning: a dEUS-gig at Rote Fabrik, Zürich on April 9th. Since the official Rote Fabrik website has not listed the gig at this moment, I consider it a rumour.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    this morning, on Studio Brussel, there was an anouncement that next monday, they would play the first single of the new album. The title would be the architect

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yesterday, the host of the belgium tvprogramm Lux XL announcend that dEUS will present their new album (exclusively) on the last broadcast of Lux XL. (I don't know when that will be.)

  3. Anonymous says:

    should be official
    announced by the booking agency