16 July 2006 at 18:48 posted by Bart Van Belle 1 Comment

Another newsitem from Vlaams Belang about 0110. And a column by VB-president Frank Vanhecke.

Blogs about 0110: Word of Wyrd, Het vrije leven is van ons, Food For Cows

Funny: Vlaams Belang-member Tanguy Veys is keeping a sort of blacklist on his website. He's inviting everyone to spam artists that are performing on 0110. He has also done some research since he's mentioning real names of the bloggers that have written about the event.
As a reaction, a couple of guys at the Semtex-forum have succeeded in bringing down the website of Tanguy Veys last friday. The site went down because it exceeded its data limit. Tanguy is now considering a lawsuit...

1 Response so far.

  1. You'd think that those who end up being named on the blacklist by their actual name should seek a lawyer for a lawsuit...