9 July 2006 at 20:31 posted by Bart Van Belle 2 Comments

For those of you who don't understand Dutch: there's a small round-up of the last week on Expatica.com.

Update: another article in English

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Tom,
    you obviously don't know what you're talking about or you're just parroting the usual nonsense about the Antwerp South. Apparently you're not keen on organising the O110 concert on the South Docks because the neighbourhood is not "mixed" enough (racially, socially, ...)*
    Well, check again! The south counts more social housing estates than any neighbourhood in Antwerp and the South is the place where asylum seekers and former immigrants (yes former, because how long do you have to be an immigrant before you become a citizen?), Belgians of all denominations and skincolor as well as social class live happily together WITHOUT ANY FRICTION OR PROBLEMS.
    If you do opt to have your concert on the South Docks then do it out of choice and respect for our neighbourhood AND NOT with spite and bad-mouthing.
    * Interview HUMO 4/7/06 nr 28

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Cato

    I have read the article more than once and I could not detect any spite or bad mouthing. I think you're exaggerating...