Out of this removed page you can take a picture found nice by your dEUS pictures supplier but not the webmaster who doesn't know a lot about dEUS pics.
To Crowdserver: you should check your own guestbook for a change (http://users.pandora.be/crowdserver1/gastenboek.html) Obviously there are more people who are sick and tired of your ramblings :)
Out of this removed page you can take a picture found nice by your dEUS pictures supplier but not the webmaster who doesn't know a lot about dEUS pics.
To Crowdserver: you should check your own guestbook for a change (http://users.pandora.be/crowdserver1/gastenboek.html)
Obviously there are more people who are sick and tired of your ramblings :)
Are those more people the minority or the majority on my poll sites.