20 July 2005 at 13:37 posted by Bart Van Belle 3 Comments

According to this personal review of the (leaked) Pocket Revolution Sun Ra was a character in 80’s cartoon Thundercats. Or does the song reference to jazz musician Sun Ra?

Update : according to JTR Sun Ra is linked to the jazz musician.

The sample that is all over the song ("just like outer space, where I came from") is from his album "Black Myth". You can listen to a sample from the (recitation) track here.

The album is available at Amazon.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    They meant the jazz musician Sun Ra. The sample that is all over the song ("just like outer space, where i came from") is from his album "Black Myth". You can listen to a sample from the (recitation) track here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Actually, that track was on the album "Out on Space", not "Black Myth". Due to the fact that they were both released on one CD (as seen on the photo you posted), this confusion originated. Sorry for that.

  3. Anonymous says:

    no one on the thundercats was named sun ra. the villan was namned Mumm-Ra